Massage Therapy in Niles, Warren

Health in Motion
“Health in Motion,” is not just a catchy name or gimmicky slogan. It’s a reflection of the healing benefits our patients achieve through massage. Massage increases pain free range of motion and in turn, increases your health. Massage can break up scar tissue and break down lactic acid build up, pushing it out of the muscle to eliminate tension. When your body is more relaxed, your bones are less likely to be pulled out of alignment causing you pain.
Experience Matters
Our Licensed Massage Therapists, Jessica, David, Justin and Cieara are highly skilled and offer a wide range of services including Relaxation, Therapeutic, Hot Stone, and Pre-Natal Massage. Massage Therapy is located within our clinical setting, the therapist work closely with Dr. Clendenin to establish the best massage protocol for our patients. Walk in and cash massages are always welcome and will receive the same quality care. All of our massage therapist is registered with the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation. Our Massage Therapists also specialize in:
- Myofascial release therapy
- Neuromuscular therapy
Massage is often covered by the VA, Insurance, Workman’s Compensation Claims, and all Personal Injury cases. Call (330) 652-4222 to schedule an appointment with, Jessica, David, Justin and Cieara to find out what a massage can do for you.
Massage Therapy in Niles, Warren Ohio | (330) 652-4222
Heal your body, lift your spirits, transform your life.